News about the campUSticket
Due to the amendment of the COVID-19 Protective Measures Exemption Ordinance (“COVID-19-Schutzmaßnahmen-Ausnahmenverordnung”), the

Participation in the course surveys
You have probably already filled out a course survey in one subject or another. Most of the course surveys for the winter semester 2021/22 have

Application Phase: Deutschlandstipendium
You’ve probably heard of the Deutschlandstipendium, but what is it actually?
Every year, around 170 students at the University of Stuttgart

Vaccination Offer on 17 January
You’ve already been vaccinated a few months ago and want to get your booster shot, or maybe you’ve just recently decided to get a

Renaming our rooms in the city centre
Have you ever heard of the ZFB and do you even know what is meant by it? The Zentrales Fachschaftenbüro referred to our rooms in K2 in the