Welcome and a good start at the University of Stuttgart!
Freshers week 2024: 07-13 Oct. 2024
Only for rough orientation – please select your degree programme below to see all the courses relevant to you.
ATTENTION: This rough overview is not complete and only preliminary! It does not contain the programme-specific events – therefore use the calendar after selecting your degree programme! In addition, some things may still change before the events start. Therefore, please pay attention to the individual events in the calendar after selecting your degree programme.
Inform yourself early, there are also events before 07.10. & with registration! However, changes can also be made at short notice!
We recommend that you definitely attend the events organised by your student group (Fachgruppe)!
You can find the events of your department and all event details by selecting your degree programme below.
Everyone who is new to the University of Stuttgart is welcome to attend all events – regardless of whether you are a first-semester student, a first-semester Master’s student or an exchange student!
Short-term changes and news:
Programme changes:
Current information:
- If you can’t find any programme-specific events in your respective calendars, it’s best to take a look at the websites of the subject groups, they should be linked. Otherwise, you can find them at stuvus.de/fachgruppen. Unfortunately, not all subject groups have entered their events.
- The presentations for most of the events of last year are uploaded. You can find them in the general information section or at the individual events. We will update the new presentations after the events have taken place.
General Information
Here you will find all the information you need about studying, regardless of your degree programme.
The most important information about the first semester introduction:
When? 7th – 13th of October 2024, lectures start: 14th of October 2024.
For whom? Everyone who is new to the University of Stuttgart is welcome to attend all events – regardless of whether you are a first-semester student, a first-semester Master’s student or an exchange student!
What? Many different events (from the official introductory events to rallies across the campus and through the city to various lectures and workshops) and opportunities to get to know your new fellow students.
How? Select your degree programme at the top of this page, and you will be taken to the programme relevant to you. Find out as early as possible and register if necessary. But also check shortly before the event to see if there have been any last-minute changes!
Where? On both campuses: Stadtmitte and Vaihingen and at other locations in the city – see the individual events for details!
E-mail: erstsemester@stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de
Tel.: 0711-685 83055
House of Students
Pfaffenwaldring 5C
70569 Stuttgart
Choose your degree programme here!
If you are studying to become a teacher (Lehramt), you can find all the information here.
- Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Waste Water Process Engineering
- Anglistik
- Anglistik / Englisch
- Architektur und Stadtplanung
- Artifical Intelligence and Data Science (AIaDS)
- Autonome Systeme
- Bauingenieurwesen
- Bauphysik
- Berufspädagogik/ Technikpädagogik
- Betriebswirtschaftslehre
- Bewegungswissenschaft
- Chemie
- Chemie- und Bioingenieurwesen
- Computational Linguistics
- Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Deutsch
- Digital Humanities
- Electrical Engineering
- Elektromobilität
- Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
- Empirische Politik- und Sozialforschung
- Energietechnik
- Englisch
- Erneuerbare Energien
- Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik
- Französisch
- Geodäsie und Geoinformatik
- Geomatics Engineering
- Germanistik / Deutsch
- Geschichte
- Geschichte / Geschichte. Zeit – Raum – Mensch
- Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft und Technik
- Geschichte. Quellen und Deutungen
- Immobilientechnik und Immobilienwirtschaft
- Informatik
- Information Technology
- Infrastructure Planning
- Integrated Urbanism Sustainable Design
- Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research
- Integrierte Gerontologie
- International Construction: Practice and Law
- Intra- und Entrepreneurship (tech)
- Italienisch
- Kunstgeschichte
- Lebensmittelchemie
- Lehramt
- Linguistik
- Literaturwissenschaft: Germanistik
- Logistikmanagement
- Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik
- Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
- Maschinenbau
- Maschinenwesen
- Materialwissenschaft
- Mathematik
- Mechatronik
- Medieninformatik
- Medizintechnik
- Nachhaltige Elektrische Energieversorgung
- Naturwissenschaft und Technik
- Philosophie & Philosophie/Ethik
- Photonic Engineering
- Physik
- Physik und Mathematik
- Planung und Partizipation
- Politik-/Wirtschaftswissenschaft
- Politikwissenschaft
- Praxisorientierte Kulturphilosophie, Dt.-Frz.
- Real Estate Management
- Romanistik
- Simulation Technology
- Software Engineering
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Soziologie
- Sport: Soziologie und Management
- Sportwissenschaft
- Sprachtheorie und Sprachvergleich
- Technikpädagogik
- Technisch orientierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre
- Technische Biologie
- Technische Kybernetik
- Technologiemanagement
- Umweltschutztechnik
- Verfahrenstechnik
- Verkehrsingenieurwesen
- Volkswirtschaftslehre
- Waste and Resources Management (WAREM)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Wissenskulturen
If you couldn’t find your degree programme, you can access the general calendar here: