Invitation Kick-Off Sustainability weeks
The planning of this year’s sustainability weeks @hochschule_n_bw has started again! 🤩 They’ll take place from 23.05. for two weeks.

Contact to other students
Some of you have contacted us with the question of how you can get in touch with other students, possibly beyond your own area of study. First

KickOff Campus Beach 2022
Sand, deck chairs, palm trees and cool drinks – and all that on the university campus. We want to organize a Campus Beach again this

Studi-Tip: Exam preparation
You may have already written your first exams or your first big exam is still ahead of you and you are in the middle of preparing. This little

Lecture Free Time
The time has finally come: the lecture-free period begins! For many students, this means exams, oral exams, and term papers. We still wish you