Changing your name in the university systems is possible now!
After a long wait and many discussions, it is now possible since the end of March 2022: trans* and inter*gender students can change their name in

What is the student parliament?
The student parliament (StuPa for short) is the legislative body of the student council. It makes the fundamental decisions. On the one hand, the

Kick-Off Meeting: StudiKalender
Fancy a date? With the StudiKalender you’ll have plenty! Okay, sorry for the bad pun, but hopefully we’ve got your attention

What is the senate?
The Rectorate, 20 professors, representatives from the administration and from the academic staff, 2 doctoral students – and 6 students,

Candidate Now!
On 20 April is the first StuPa meeting of the semester, colloquially known as the “election StuPa”. Why? At this meeting, many