FÜSQ registration phase

You missed the first FÜSQ registration phase? Then you have the chance to catch up on your registration from today! The second registration phase is from 14.03.-26.03.2024. During this time you can still apply for remaining places. The allocation phase will then take place from 27.03.-28.03.2024. The interdisciplinary key qualifications (FÜSQ) serve to expand your… Read more

114. StuPa

The 114th session of the student parliament will take place on Wednesday, March 13, starting at 2:30 pm. The meeting will take place in Pfaffenwaldring 47 in room 4. 282. In addition to various reports and the questioning of the Executive Board, there are also 3 motions. The first motion deals with the reimbursement of… Read more

International Women’s Day

We have been celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8 for over 100 years – and today is no exception! 🥳💜 This year’s theme is: “Investing in women: Accelerate Progress’, with the UN particularly wanting to draw attention to the difficulties in achieving equality due to a lack of investment. At stuvus, the chairmanship has… Read more

Rights at the exam insight

Is it allowed to take notes during an exam insight? Does an exam insight have to take place? After the examination procedure has been completed, i.e. normally after the grade has been announced, you are entitled to an exam insight for one year. In most cases, the examiners themselves will suggest dates in good time.… Read more

Gaming evening

Hello everyone, On Wednesday, 06.03.2024, the Events Department is organizing a games evening in room 0.008 at Universitätsstraße 38. All kinds of board games will be played. You are also welcome to bring your own games. There will also be a Mario Kart station. Drinks and snacks will be provided. You are cordially invited. You… Read more