Category: General
Exam registration
Exam registration started on May 14. You can now register for your exams until June 4. It is not possible to register for exams after this date, so it is best to register as early as possible and check that you are registered for all your exams in good time. If you are not sure… Read more
Springbreak review!
The Springbreak 2024 took place on April 19, and despite the rain, many people came and celebrated with us. It was a lovely, colorful evening.
After the party, we received many messages from people waiting for the pictures of the party.
The wait is now over!
You can find the pictures of Springbreak 2024 at … Read more
Student assistant job for the frei[raum]!
Would you like to enjoy coffee specialties or a variety of cocktails and are still looking for a student assistant job for the coming semester? – Then become part of our team: stuvus is advertising several positions to run the frei[raum], which are initially limited to the rest of the summer semester.
The frei[raum] is… Read more
Kickoff department for campus infrastructure
Water dispensers on campus? Better equipment for study areas? More bicycle parking spaces?
We have come up with numerous ideas to make the campus a more liveable place for us students.
If you also have ideas for improving and developing the campus and, especially, are motivated to put them into practice with us, then you’ve… Read more
116. Stupa
On Wednesday, May 8, the 116th session of the student parliament will take place from 4:30 pm. The meeting will take place at Keplerstraße 11 in room 6.04. In addition to various reports, a couple elections and the questioning of the Executive Board, there will also be 9 motions.
The first motion deals with the… Read more