What is the faculty council?

In the Faculty Council, all things concerning the faculty are discussed: these are long-term things such as the structural and development plans of the faculty, the establishment of new institutes, study programs or professorships, and the study and examination regulations of the associated study programs. Appointment proposals are also decided here before they are passed… Read more

What is the Senate?

The Senate is the central body of the university and responsible for all matters of teaching, study and research. It consists of the rectorate, 20 professors, representatives from the administration, scientific employees, 2 doctoral students, 6 students and also some advisory members. The 6 students, whom you elect in the current committee election, represent your… Read more

What is the Student Parliament??

The student parliament (StuPa for short) is the legislative body of the student government and is led by the presidium. Basic decisions are made here, such as the budget of stuvus, which states how much money stuvus wants to spend in the following budget year, or various guidelines that regulate how much and on what… Read more

Board elections 2023

From 11.07.-21.07. the committee elections at the university take place. Here you can elect student representatives who are your voice at the university. Take this opportunity to help shape the course of your university and make positive changes for all of us. Together we can accomplish something great! 🌟✨ You can vote at siam.uni-stuttgart.de. All… Read more