Notes on BAföG

Still looking for a word for the next round of Hangman?How about “Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz”?You probably know it by the abbreviation “BAföG”.Unfortunately, very few students receive BAföG, but there are also some who could benefit from it and don’t apply. Admittedly: The application process is not entirely straightforward, because you have to provide some proof.Did you know… Read more

Saving Money

“More than one in three students in Germany was at risk of poverty last year [2021].” (Source: Tagesschau, accessed 04.09.2023) We have collected information and tips for you that can help you with financial problems. Financing your studies The Studierendenwerk Stuttgart offers a social counselling service that also deals with student financing. So if you… Read more

Game night

Hello all, on wednesday, 13.9. from 18:00 o’clock the department of events will organizein the Universitätsstraße 38 room 0.008.You are all invited to join us. All kinds of board games will be played, if you have your own games, pleaseyou are welcome to bring them along. Drinks and snacks will be provided. See you then,… Read more

New VVS tickets

September has begun and with it the old contract with the VVS has expired. What does that mean exactly? First of all, it is important to know that we will no longer pay a solidarity contribution to the VVS from the winter semester 2023/24. As a result, your semester fees have dropped by €48.20. In… Read more