Tag: student parliament
Your vote against the 25€ price increase

Yesterday we listed reasons why voting in university elections is important. Today we present one reason using an unfortunately very real and very current example. At the same time, we would like to draw your attention to a special session of the student parliament next Wednesday, 6 July, starting at 2:30 pm on the Vaihingen… Read more
93rd meeting of the student parliament

On Wednesday, the 15th of June, the 93rd session of the student parliament will take place from 14:30. The meeting will take place on the Stadtmitte campus. In addition to various reports, the questioning of the board and elections, there will also be 7 petitions. There will be a supplementary election for board assessors. This… Read more
New executive board elected

In the 88th session of the student parliament on the 20th of April 2022 (and in a belated election in the 89th session), our executive board was newly elected. It consists of people who were already active on the board in previous semesters as well as new people. Voting members of the board this summer… Read more
Student Parliament in May 2022

On Wednesday, 11 May, the 92nd session of the student parliament will take place from 2:30 pm. The meeting will take place in presence on Campus Vaihingen. In addition to various reports, questioning of the Executive Board and elections, there will also be a motion. The speaker for networking, provisionally appointed by the board, is… Read more

Elections 2022 – 28 June to 7 July! In order for all of us students to be well represented, it is important that we not only all vote during this period, but that many students also stand for election. In the last few weeks we have published information about the committees and organised a committee… Read more