Feedback phase SS2023
📅 You still have until Tuesday, 15 August to re-register for the winter semester 2023/24. The re-registration will be recorded when you pay your

Teaching Award 2023
At the last meeting, the Senate decided on our proposal to award the University’s teaching prize to Dr. Stephanie Seidl from German

Changes to WLAN eduroam
As you may have already noticed, there has been a change in the certificates of the TIK’s WLAN “eduroam”. In order to continue

Election results 2023
This year’s committee elections are over and the results are in. 10.60% (turnout for the student parliament) and 10.74% (turnout for the

108. StuPa-Session
On Monday, July 31, the 108th meeting of the Student Parliament will take place starting at 2:30 pm. The reason for this special StuPa is the