109. StuPa Session

On Wednesday, August 30, the 109th meeting of the Student Parliament will take place starting at 2:30 pm. The meeting will take place on the Campus Stadtmitte at Keplerstraße 17 (K2) in room M 17.12. In addition to various reports and questioning of the Executive Board, there are also five motions.The first motion deals with… Read more

Special price 2023

In addition to the teaching award, there is also a special award this year: the academic student council (the stuvus body for teaching) awards Mr Ulrich Schneider a special award for outstanding commitment to lecture assistance. He has been working in the lecture hall assistance of experimental physics for 35 years. There he prepares the… Read more

ESE Orgas wanted!

🎉 Do you feel like organising something for the new freshmen? Campus rally 🗺️, pub crawl 🍻, flunkyball or volleyball tournament 🏐? Or would you prefer an info lecture 💡 on finances at university 💰? We are still looking for motivated organisers and helpers for the first semester introduction across all degree programmes. It doesn’t… Read more

Night of Students Wasen 2023

stuvus once again presents the Night of the Students Uni Stuttgart Wasen Special 2023 🔥 Probably the most popular student event at the Stuttgart Wasen, the Night-of-the-Students will take place this year on Wednesday 27 September from 5pm in the Wasenwirt marquee. For the first 500 students there will be a free beer. The event… Read more

Learning tips from the learning counselor

Learning tipsSmall units and regular breaksClear learning objectivesSummariesRegular repetitionsStructured learning / learning planYou probably already know some of these tips – but did you know how often you should repeat what you have learned? Or that it often helps to try to create an overview by heart at the beginning?You can find these and other… Read more