Student assembly

On Wednesday, the 07.02.2024, the student assembly took place on the topic of a “fully solidary semester ticket”. It was great that you were there! The Student Assembly does not make its own decisions, but makes recommendations to the Student Parliament. The topic will therefore be discussed further in one of the next meetings of… Read more

Refund from the VVS

In March 2023, the JugendTicketBW was introduced as a 6-month variant. You switched from the StudiTicket to the JugenTicketBW back then and the ticket periods overlapped? Now there is finally information about the refund of the fee for the overlapping period. The refund application must be submitted on by June 30, 2024 at the… Read more

Survey for the new semesterticket

Dear students, In the last instragram post, you already diligently and controversially discussed our offer to talk about the possible introduction of a “semester ticket in full solidarity model”. We hope to be able to continue this debate with you at the student assembly! We have created a short survey so that we already have… Read more

113. StuPa-Session

On Wednesday, Jan. 31, starting at 2:30 p.m., the 113th meeting of the Student Parliament will be held. The meeting will be held at Keplerstraße 11 im room 6.04. In addition to various reports and questioning of the board, there will also be two motions. The first item on the agenda is the reports of… Read more