New printers

Many of you will be familiar with the printers that are located in various places on both campuses and which can be used for printing, copying and scanning with your student ID. Even though there are still printers there at the moment, the contract with the company expired at the end of February. We at… Read more

Summary of the 120th Stupa

Summary of the 120th meeting of the Student Parliament: *Elections were held for all offices of the Executive Board, the Presidium, as well as department heads and their deputies, with the exception of the Vice President, *The meeting dates of the student parliament were decided for the coming semester. Scheduling conflicts were avoided wherever possible… Read more

University funding agreement 3

University funding – what is at stake? Effectively around 1.6% less money than in previous years – around 10 million euros less per year for us at the University of Stuttgart: this is what the current drafts for the new university funding agreement envisage. For us, this means: fewer tutorials, fewer lectures, fewer places to… Read more

120. stupa

On Wednesday, October 23, the 120th session of the student parliament will take place at 2:30 pm. The meeting will take place in Pfaffenwaldring 57 in room 8.122. In addition to various reports and the questioning of the Executive Board, there will also be 4 motions. There will also be a lot of elections. The… Read more