Studi-Tip: Elections
Last chance: The elections end tomorrow at 3 pm. If you haven’t voted by then, you won’t be able to do that. So, hand on heart: Have

Why is a high voter turnout important
You see election posters on campus, election calls follow you on Instagram and even in your courses your lecturers draw your attention to the

What is the StuPaMat?
Do you want to vote, but don’t know who to vote for yet? Based on a tool for comparing parties in other elections, we created the Stupamat

Your vote against the 25€ price increase
Yesterday we listed reasons why voting in university elections is important. Today we present one reason using an unfortunately very real and

Reasons to go vote!
This year’s election is the first university election in a long time with a presence on campus. We took advantage of this and not only put