Kick-Off Meeting: StudiKalender
Fancy a date? With the StudiKalender you’ll have plenty! Okay, sorry for the bad pun, but hopefully we’ve got your attention now.
Our StudiKalender is published every year in autumn, when we send it to the new first-year students with their first-year letters and display the other StudiKalender in the university buildings. Experience has shown that the calendars are taken pretty quickly (in 2021, all of them were taken on Campus Vaihingen after just 1.5 weeks of lectures) and we have received a lot of positive feedback about the StudiKalender.
As one of the few stuvus projects, the StudiKalender was able to continue to be implemented during the pandemic. Since many students who used to be active in the calendar working group are now finished with their studies or have moved on to another university, we are still looking for reinforcements for the calendar working group so that you too can hold the StudiKalender in your hands again in autumn.
From layout to contacting various stuvus groups to packaging and distribution, there is a lot to do. Our kick-off for the 2022 StudiKalender will take place on Thursday, 7 April, from 4pm on Have we sparked your interest? Then put the date in your (Studi)calendar! We look forward to seeing you