Candidate Now!

On 20 April is the first StuPa meeting of the semester, colloquially known as the “election StuPa”. Why? At this meeting, many positions in the student council are newly elected. These include the positions of speakers and their deputies, board assessors, board chairperson and deputy(s), as well as finance officer and deputy(s).

The degree programme is irrelevant for participation in the board. In short: No matter what you are studying, you are welcome here! In this way, different experiences in your studies and positions on the board can be well represented.

As a speaker, you are in charge of the respective department. It is very desirable that all officers regularly attend the board meetings and report on the work in their department. Board members are entitled to vote in the board and can therefore not only contribute their opinion, but also actively participate in the decisions of the board. 

As in all stuvus groups, we are also happy to welcome new members to the board! If you have any questions about your potential position, please contact the respective department or our board chairperson (