125. StuPa

The 125th Stupa session on February 26 has been canceled due to no motions and elections having been received. The next Stupa (126th Stupa) will take place on March 19. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Presidium praesidium@stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de .… Read more

Summary of the 120th Stupa

Summary of the 120th meeting of the Student Parliament: *Elections were held for all offices of the Executive Board, the Presidium, as well as department heads and their deputies, with the exception of the Vice President, *The meeting dates of the student parliament were decided for the coming semester. Scheduling conflicts were avoided wherever possible… Read more

120. stupa

On Wednesday, October 23, the 120th session of the student parliament will take place at 2:30 pm. The meeting will take place in Pfaffenwaldring 57 in room 8.122. In addition to various reports and the questioning of the Executive Board, there will also be 4 motions. There will also be a lot of elections. The… Read more

119. Stupa

On Wednesday, August 28, the 119th session of the student parliament will take place from 2:30 pm. The meeting will take place in Keplerstraße 17 (K2) in room 17.12. In addition to various reports and the questioning of the Executive Board, there will also be 5 motions. There will also be some elections. The first… Read more

95th meeting of the student parliament

On Wednesday the 95th meeting of the student parliament will take place starting at 14:30. The meeting will take place in room 9.06 at Keplerstraße 11. In addition to various reports and the questioning of the board, there will also be motions. Usually, the chairperson* of the board is always elected at the beginning of… Read more