Tag: Gender Equality
Changing your name in the university systems is possible now!

After a long wait and many discussions, it is now possible since the end of March 2022: trans* and inter*gender students can change their name in the university systems! In addition, there is a choice between four gender entries: female, male, diverse or no entry. Your documents will then be addressed and labelled accordingly. You… Read more
International Women’s Day 2022

For over a hundred years, March 8 has been International Women’s Day, celebrating women’s fight for equal rights and opportunities. This year’s theme is “Break the Bias”.A “bias” describes a subconscious expectation created by learned role models. This causes, for example, a male person, with the same qualifications, to be judged more competent than a female… Read more
Test phase free menstrual prodcuts

Some time ago we already reported about our project, free menstrual products at the University of Stuttgart. Finally, the time has come, and we can start our test phase in selected toilets. With this campaign, we at stuvus would like to ease emergency situations, prevent period poverty and move a little closer to gender equality.… Read more