Student Parliament in April 2022
On Wednesday, 20 April, the 91st session of the student parliament will take place from 2:30 pm. The meeting will take place in room 9.06 in Keplerstraße 11. In addition to various reports and questioning of the Executive Board, there are also three motions to be dealt with. As this is the first StuPa in the new semester, many offices, such as the office of the chairperson of the executive board, will be newly elected. Nominations for these positions are still possible until 12 noon on Tuesday.
The first motion deals with the dissolution of the Interim Rental Complex Department. The unit has been looking into the possibility of short-term accommodation for students in the premises of the former campus.guest hotel. This does not currently look feasible. The associated projects such as the learning room and the leisure area would be assigned to the Campus Infrastructure Department.
The second motion deals with a temporary increase of the transport fee. This should be increased from 30ct/km to 35ct/km. This will subsidise journeys with private vehicles for stuvus purposes, for example journeys to a first-semester hut.
The third proposal is to commission the executive board to draw up a hygiene concept. According to the student body’s room statutes, a hygiene concept can only be adopted by the student parliament on the basis of a proposal by the executive board. In theory, much stricter corona measures could be set for student group rooms, for example, which all stuvus groups would then have to adhere to. Concrete wishes for the design are not yet included in the proposal.
We cordially invite all students to attend the StuPa meeting and participate in the discussions. Of course, you are also welcome to ask the board and the candidates questions.