Category: Projects
Outdoor fitness park

In May 2022, a long-standing stuvus project was completed with the opening – an outdoor fitness facility on campus. In cooperation with the General University Sports and with financial support from the City of Stuttgart, the StuWe e.V. and the VFUS e.V., the project could be implemented.
The outdoor fitness area was given the name… Read more
At the end of 2020, we took over the Kopier[lädle] on the Vaihingen campus under the cafeteria.
Since mid-April 2021, the same services as before will be available here by students of the University of Stuttgart for students of the University of Stuttgart at lower prices: Printing, plotting, scanning, binding, punching, stapling…
Do you need… Read more
Freshers inauguration

Information lectures and getting to know each other – from the Avete (official welcome by the Rector) to a campus rally and pub crawl to an introduction to important facilities: In order to give the new first semester students a successful and well-informed start at the University of Stuttgart, we organise a cross-degree course first… Read more

What is RegioRadStuttgart? RegioRadStuttgart rents out bicycles, pedelecs and cargo bikes in the Stuttgart region. By registering to RegioRadStuttgart, Deutsche Bahn also allows you to rent bicycles throughout Germany via the Call a Bike service. More good reasons are summarized here (unfortunately only in German).
How can I ride it (almost) for free?
With polygoCard,… Read more
Free menstrual products at the University of Stuttgart

What is it about?
Menstruation is an issue that affects about half of the population worldwide. At the University of Stuttgart, it affects an estimated 35% of all students. For these students, the use of hygiene products during menstruation is as ubiquitous as the use of toilet paper or soaps and, currently, disinfectants. Nevertheless, menstruating… Read more