111. StuPa-Session
On Wednesday, Dec. 13, starting at 2:30
p.m., the 111th meeting of the Student Parliament will be held. The meeting will be held in Keplerstraße 11 (K1) in room 3.02. In addition to various reports and questioning of the board, there will also be six motions.
The first item on the agenda are elections for our vicepresident, vice finacial officer, vice officer for gender equality, diversity and social affairs and the elections for various heads of working groups.
The first motion on the agenda deals with the determination of expense allowances.
The second motions deals with a petition about the renovation of our University libary.
The third motion is a demand for a collective student wage agreement and support for the strikers at the University Stuttgart.
The fourth motions wants a conclusion of a Deutschlandticket as a semester ticket in the full solidarity model.
The fifth motion sets changes in the following dates of the student parliament.
The sixth motion wants to found a new workling group. If this motion is accepted, elctions for their working groups head will follow.
We cordially invite all students to attend the StuPa meeting and to participate in the discussions. Of course, you are also welcome to ask questions to the board and the candidates.