Energy saving weeks current information

The lecture-free period is over, but the “Energy Saving Weeks” are still taking place until January 19, 2024. What exactly does this mean for the period?

Over the next two weeks, all members of the university are called upon to make the best possible contribution to saving energy in their areas. This includes closing all central lecture halls. stuvus has been working to ensure that this has as little impact as possible on us students. Therefore, your events that are affected by the lecture hall closure should be held digitally asynchronously or postponed. It is important that you always have the opportunity to ask questions. If you have any problems with this or with the format of your course, please speak to your lecturer or contact us.

Examinations may only be held in normal face-to-face formats.

The study rooms will continue to be available from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. over the next two weeks. Please note that some buildings can only be opened with your ECUS card.

Please let us know if you have any problems with this. You can find more information in the email that was sent out shortly before Christmas.
Do you have any other questions or concerns about the Energy Saving Weeks? Then please write to us!