What is the Student Parliament??
The student parliament (StuPa for short) is the legislative body of the student government and is led by the presidium. Basic decisions are made here, such as the budget of stuvus, which states how much money stuvus wants to spend in the following budget year, or various guidelines that regulate how much and on what stuvus can spend money. In addition, the StuPa also decides on positioning statements that are intended to convey the students’ opinion on certain topics, towards the university and the state. The stuvus board is also always elected by the StuPa in the first meeting of the semester.
In addition to the 6 student members of the Senate and the 10 departmental council chairpersons, who are entitled to vote in the Stupa by virtue of their office, there are also 13 electoral members. They belong to different lists and are elected directly by you during the current committee elections!
The StuPa meets once a month and the meetings are open to the public. If you are interested, just drop by!