On Wednesday, April 05, the 103rd meeting of the Student Parliament will take place starting at 2:30 pm. This meeting is the first meeting of the semester, which means elections! Elections will be held for StuPa offices such as president*, vice-president* and committee members, which are newly appointed at the beginning of the legislative period.
Likewise, the stuvus board is newly elected, including the board chairperson, financial officer, speaker, and committee members. All students of the University of Stuttgart can stand for election. It is not important if you have held an office within stuvus before! You are motivated to take over an office, but are still unsure or don’t know what to expect? Then just contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions! Please note that the positions as deputies are only available upon proposal of the incumbent. Please contact us and we will put you in touch with the incumbent!
All candidatures must be received by the 04.04. at 12 o’clock at the presidium. An informal email to is sufficient.
We cordially invite all students to attend the StuPa meeting and to participate in the discussions. You are also welcome to ask questions to the board and the candidates. More information about the upcoming StuPa meeting can be found in the student parliament section of the stuvus wiki.