What are you voting for?

Three bodies are elected in the elections. The Student Parliament (StuPa for short), the Senate and the Faculty Council (Fakrat for short).
The Senate is the central body of the university and is responsible for all matters relating to teaching, studies and research. It changes examination regulations, appoints new professors, establishes degree programs and much more. The Senate consists of the Rectorate, 20 professors, representatives from the administration, academic staff, 2 doctoral students, 6 students and a few advisory members.You can elect the student members and they then represent your interests vis-à-vis the other status groups.
You can only vote for the faculty council for your own faculty. The Faculty Council is responsible for decisions in the faculty, from teaching to the institutes and course-specific matters. Not only students sit on the Faculty Council, but also doctoral students, professors, members of the technical and administrative departments and academic staff. You can elect the student members.
The student parliament consists only of students: you can elect 13 students directly and 10 come from the faculty councils. The 6 student senate members also sit on the Stupa. This committee takes care of various stuvus matters, such as positioning, guidelines and the stuvus budget. All stuvus offices, such as the Executive Board, are elected in the Stupa.
For more detailed information, take a look at one of our previous posts or our highlights. If you don’t know which faculty you are in, you can check here https://www.uni-stuttgart.de/universitaet/fakultaeten-institute .
And for more information, have a look at our website stuvus.de! Or write to us via DM or email referentin-oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de !