The 200 Euro lump sum is here!
Finally, students can benefit from the energy flat rate! As of today, it is possible to apply via the platform The access data for this will be provided by the University of Stuttgart and should be published in the next few days via the C@MPUS student file. As soon as this happens, each student will receive a corresponding notification via email. Please note that the application must be submitted by September 30, 2023. All persons who were enrolled at a higher education institution or in a technical college education as of December 1, 2022 and who have their residence or habitual abode in Germany may apply for the lump sum.
How do I apply for the lump sum? On you can enter your personal access code. You will then need to log in with your BundID to fill out an online application. Have your IBAN ready for this. If all requirements are fulfilled, you will receive an email with the approval and the 200€ to your specified account. Please note that there may be a delay in the application process.