Tag: freshers
UNO 2024!

Do you always want to be up to date with stuvus parties?
🎉 Then follow our new Instagram account @stuvus.unipartys !
Here you can find out:
✨ When the next legendary parties are coming up
💥 What cool specials are waiting for you
🙌 How you can help out and become part of the team… Read more
Freshers Week introductory meeting 2022

We are looking for you! In order to welcome the new first-year students to the university in the winter semester 22/23, the planning for the first-semester introduction across all degree programmes is starting now. This is intended to be a supplement to the first-semester introductory events of the subject groups. In order to be able… Read more
First-Semester Induction

In the last few days, the central first-semester induction took place. This year, for obvious reasons, there were special circumstances and requirements. Nevertheless, first-semester and third-semester students went on a tour of the campus and the city centre, made contacts, had a barbecue, did yoga, answered questions, and saw the inside of a lecture hall… Read more