Tag: Exams

The first exams of the semester have already been written, and slowly more and more exams are written. Because questions may arise especially with the Corona pandemic and the first exams for first-year students, we would like to point out a few things. For exams you have to prove your 3G status. This is usually… Read more
Studi-Tip: Old exams

You’ve probably already noticed that older students often use old exams to prepare for their exams. We were asked on Instagram how to get hold of these old exams. Most of the time, it’s not that easy. Many student groups have an online platform where they make old exams available to you for the individual… Read more
Information about the exams in the summer term, 2021

The centrally organized exams of the summer term take place between the 9th of August and the 2nd of October. We as stuvus wish you all the best for the upcoming exams! As with the last rescheduled exam phases, there are some special factors to consider due to Corona. You can also find all of… Read more
Information about the exams in the winter term 2020/21

The centrally organized exams of the summer term take place between the 15th of February and the 16th of April. We as stuvus wish you all the best for the upcoming exams!As with the rescheduled exam phase during the summer term, there are some special factors to consider due to Corona. You can also find… Read more