Tag: calendar
Kic-Off Meeting Student Calendar

Fancy a date? With the StudiKalender you’ll have plenty! Okay, sorry for the bad pun, but hopefully we’ve got your attention now.
Our StudiKalender is published every year in autumn, when we send it to the new first-year students with their first-year letters and display the other StudiKalender in the university buildings. Experience has shown… Read more
Kick-Off Meeting: StudiKalender

Fancy a date? With the StudiKalender you’ll have plenty! Okay, sorry for the bad pun, but hopefully we’ve got your attention now. Our StudiKalender is published every year in autumn, when we send it to the new first-year students with their first-year letters and display the other StudiKalender in the university buildings. Experience has shown… Read more
Stud-Tip: Keeping track – Calendar

Some of you have asked us for more tips on how to keep a better overview of your studies. One important component is to get a good overview of what is due each week already at the beginning of the semester. An analogue or digital weekly timetable is a good way to do this. You… Read more