Refund for various Tickets

In 2023 there were many different ticket offers: StudiTicket, JugendTicketBW, Deutschlandticket – if you had several tickets at the same time due to the ticket combinations, you can apply for a refund. For overlaps with the Deutschlandticket, this is still possible until 31 October!

The Deutschlandticket was introduced in May 2023. As there was still a VVS solidarity contribution at the University of Stuttgart in the summer semester 2023, you can apply for a refund for all Deutschlandtickets purchased between May and September. If you also had the Semesterticket or the JugendTicketBW during this time (purchased before 1 May), you will even get a higher amount back! The application is made by e-mail to the VVS or via the SSB contact form. You can see exactly which documents you need in the pictures.

For an overlap of JugendTicketBW (introduced from March 2023) and Studi-Ticket (semester ticket), applications for reimbursement should actually have been submitted by 30 June, but you can still contact the VVS by email.