Printing and Scanning at Uni!
A hard copy is half the battle – even if this is not necessarily true, every now and then you need a summary, a text, a submission or a report on paper. Even longer texts such as a script, a term paper or a technical drawing need to be submitted in printed form from time to time. But where can you print? – Directly at the university!
For larger documents and technical drawings, we recommend the kopier[lädle], which is run by us as stuvus. It is located next to the canteen in Vaihingen and is a particularly good place for printing and binding final theses.
For smaller files that you want to print yourself, there are various printers available on both campuses. You simply pay with your student ID, one page currently costs 4 ct (black and white) or 7 ct (color printing).
In the city center, for example, there is a printer room in K2 on the 1st floor, in Vaihingen there are several printers in the Universum study room. Many of the printers can also scan. You can find a list of many printer locations at