Mental Health
The last few years have been mentally stressful for many people, and the exam period is certainly a burden for some of you, and in addition, many of you are also caring for relatives in Turkey and Syria. Even though it can often feel like this, you are not alone with your problems.
If you have problems in your degree programme, you can contact your student group or anonymously drop a note in one of the stuvus boxes. The student advisors and programme managers also have an open ear for your concerns.
In cases of discrimination, you can contact Ms Barbara Unteutsch. Ms Christine dos Santos Costa and Mr Klaus Dirnberger are contact persons in cases of sexual harassment and violence. In these cases, you can also contact
In general, you can turn to the psychological and psychotherapeutic counselling service of the Studierendenwerk for psychological problems. It also offers legal and social counselling. You can also seek help from the counselling centre and various religious counselling centres. You can find more information and contact details by searching for “psychologische Beratung Stuttgart”. At you can also find telephone numbers and the possibility of chat counselling. You can reach a Muslim counselling hotline at 030-443509821.
We as student representatives are also happy to help you. Depending on the problem, simply contact us via, via the email of your respective department or, in case of general problems or confusion about the responsibility, simply at You do not have to describe your specific concern if you only want to ask for the contact person.