International Women’s DayInternationaler Frauentag
Today is #8thMarch, which means #InternationalWomen’sDay. Under the motto “Living feminist utopias. Together for a just world”, @UNWomenDeutschland wants to create courageous, feminist utopias that we work towards together. Because for real change, it is not enough to fight the symptoms of an unjust world.
A just world includes ensuring that all menstruating people have access to menstrual products.
A publication by the Statista Research Department (2022) states that in 2021, 21% of 16 to 24-year-olds from Germany try to use as few tampons, pads or panty liners as possible so that they can get by for longer. Overall, women and girls between 16 and 24 are significantly more likely to be affected by #periodpoverty than older ones.
86% of 16-24 year olds from Germany said their lives would be easier if #freemenstrualproducts were available in public buildings.
You also voted that this issue is of particular concern to you. Last year, stuvus piloted free period products in selected toilets. Recently, @UniversitätStuttgart took over the project and menstrual products are now available again in some toilets. Of course we stay tuned and demand that this will soon be the rule in all toilets and that this utopia becomes reality. #feministutopias #women’s fight day #equalityforwomen