Freshman Orientation
Dear first-year students, welcome to the University of Stuttgart!
Maybe you heard about us through your first-year letter, siblings or acquaintances, or maybe the Instagram algorithm had a hand in it. We’ll be welcoming you officially and personally on 10 October at 10 a.m. at the Avete Academici in the Liederhalle, but we’d like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves.
The stuvus (short for “Student Council of the University of Stuttgart”) is your representative at the University of Stuttgart and is committed to ensuring that all students have the best possible time at the University of Stuttgart. So if you have any questions or problems with your studies, don’t hesitate to contact us – we’ll be happy to help!
Another part of our job is to inform you about the most important happenings at the university. We do this via this Instagram account and via our website We also recommend that you follow the accounts of @unistuttgart and @studierendenwerk_stuttgart as well as your subject group, as this way you will always be top informed and won’t miss any important changes.
stuvus is not only committed to improving your studies in the area of teaching, but also wants to improve/optimise your university life as a whole. To this end, numerous volunteer students organise a wide range of events throughout the year.
You will soon be able to take part in the first of these: From 9 to 16 October, the Freshers’ Induction will take place! There you will get to know the campus and your new fellow students. The programme includes fun activities as well as informative offers to make your start in your studies easier. There will be events specific to your degree programme as well as events for all degree programmes. You can find more information about the programme at We recommend that all first-year students take part in the events, especially the Avete and the events organised by the student groups (Fachgruppen)!