Elections results 2024!

Our student committee elections took place from June 4 to June 14 and now the results are in.
Two lists ran for the Senate and all six Senate seats went to the joint list. The Senate students come from five different faculties in order to represent you as well as possible. The proportion of women is also higher than the proportion of men, which was also the case last year. Half of the elected students have not yet been in the Senate and will be doing so for the first time in the next legislature. The voter turnout for the Senate was 12.80%.

Four lists ran for the Student Parliament (Stupa for short). The Fachgruppenliste, the Linksnebenklasse, the Nachhaltig Soziale Liste and the Fraktionsloser. The list with the most seats is the Fachgruppenliste with 8 seats. It is followed at a considerable distance by the Left Wing List, which secured 3 seats. It is closely followed by the Sustainable Social List with 2 seats. The Factionless was not elected to the Stupa. The voter turnout for the Stupa was 12.45%. The composition of the Stupa is of course not yet complete, as the 10 student council chairpersons are still missing, who still have to be elected by the student faculty council members.

In the Faculty Council elections, the faculty with the lowest voter turnout was Faculty 7 with a turnout of 7.38%. SimTech had the highest turnout for their General Assembly with 33.13%.

For more information and the detailed election results, please have a look here: stuvus.de/wahlergebnisse (The document with the results is only accessible from the university network or with the Uni VPN).