Do you have suggestions, problems, worries or ideas?
And you’ve always wanted to share them with your student council (stuvus), but didn’t know how? Then use the new stuvus box!
You can either drop us a note in the letterboxes at Nili (Pfaffenwaldring 57) and University Library in the city centre (Holzgartenstraße 16), or (as you learned from Corona) contact us via a contact form on the website.
We want to know what’s on your mind (e.g. when you think a professor is completely out of line), what you’re excited about (e.g. the workshops offered by the stuvus) or what really pisses you off at the university. This is the only way we at stuvus can take your concerns into account and implement new ideas.
Your message should remain as anonymous as possible and we will only pass on information if it is relevant to your concerns. Information on the concept and data protection can also be found on the website.
We look forward to your message!
Your stuvus