Panel discussion

The elections 🗳🗳🗳 are coming up again. We have organized two different panel discussions for you so that you can easily make your decision. So you can inform yourself about the candidates over a cozy beer or soda and make them sweat with your questions. On the 04.06 in Stadtmitte Faust from 7 pm. On… Read more

Café frei[raum]

Between cappuccino and mojito, you’ll find everything your heart desires at frei[raum]! ✨ frei[raum], located right next to the Universum study room on the Vaihingen campus, is the new start-up café at the University of Stuttgart. A break from everyday university life? Just sit together comfortably and play cards? Work on projects with your team?… Read more

Exam registration

Exam registration started on May 14. You can now register for your exams until June 4. It is not possible to register for exams after this date, so it is best to register as early as possible and check that you are registered for all your exams in good time. If you are not sure… Read more