What are you voting for?

Three bodies are elected in the elections. The Student Parliament (StuPa for short), the Senate and the Faculty Council (Fakrat for short). The Senate is the central body of the university and is responsible for all matters relating to teaching, studies and research. It changes examination regulations, appoints new professors, establishes degree programs and much… Read more

Information stands

Still don’t know who to vote for and how to vote? Then come along to our information stands. You can talk to us there and find out more about the elections. Feel free to bring your questions and concerns. Where can you find us? We will be in the city center on the 4.6 an… Read more

Panel discussion

The elections 🗳🗳🗳 are coming up again. We have organized two different panel discussions for you so that you can easily make your decision. So you can inform yourself about the candidates over a cozy beer or soda and make them sweat with your questions. On the 04.06 in Stadtmitte Faust from 7 pm. On… Read more