Stupa committees

The Student Parliament (StuPa) has committees – similar to the Bundestag, for example – which help it with words and deeds on certain matters. The Budget Committee (HHA) supports the StuPa in all financial matters. It comments on applications with major financial implications, decides on financial applications from €5,000 to €10,000 and prepares the budget… Read more

UNO Kickoff

We are starting to organize the UNO again – and you can join in. In order to organize a cool party for the next freshmen, we need motivated helpers. Organizing is a lot of fun, because you can help shape the party, e.g. choose the range of drinks, set up bars or design cool interactive… Read more

Elections results 2024!

Our student committee elections took place from June 4 to June 14 and now the results are in. Two lists ran for the Senate and all six Senate seats went to the joint list. The Senate students come from five different faculties in order to represent you as well as possible. The proportion of women… Read more