AK Leader for bicycle workshop
Do you like to ride a bike? Do you want to help others repair their bikes, apply your knowledge and show your leadership skills? Then you are in luck! The AK Fahrradwerksatt is looking for a new leader!
The tasks consist of keeping track of the stock in the warehouse and ordering tools and goods for resale (tubes, chain, etc.) when needed. You will also be responsible for keeping the cash register, regularly maintaining the three bike repair stations on the Vaihingen campus, and maintaining the AK Fahrradwerkstatt Instagram account.
During operations, you will help other students maintain or repair their bikes.
Please note that this is not a paid position, but a volunteer commitment!
You like the tasks, but you don’t want to become AK leader? No problem! The AK is also looking for members!
If you are interested, please contact us.