93rd meeting of the student parliament
On Wednesday, the 15th of June, the 93rd session of the student parliament will take place from 14:30. The meeting will take place on the Stadtmitte campus. In addition to various reports, the questioning of the board and elections, there will also be 7 petitions.
There will be a supplementary election for board assessors. This has also been proposed as the new deputy of the board chair. If he is elected, the amount of his expense allowance should also be determined.
The first motion deals with student health management. If the StuPa passes this motion, the stuvus is in favour of having such a student health management at the University of Stuttgart.
The second motion deals with the foundation of a new working group; the “AK Winterbeach”. This should be the winter counterpart to the Campus Beach, which you can currently find on the Vaihingen campus. In the course of the application, a first leadership should also be determined.
The third motion deals with the guideline “Registration of Expenditures”. The board has revised the previous guidelines and proposed them to the StuPa. Changes to the digital application system were incorporated.
The fourth motion deals with the revision of the guideline “Subsidies for student groups”. At its meeting in February, the StuPa instructed the Executive Board to amend the guidelines. This has been done. The guideline refers to the cases in which university groups can receive money from stuvus, how the application process works and what the maximum amount is.
The fifth motion deals with the adaptation of the guide “Trips”. The sixth motion deals with the adaptation of the guide “Social Events”. There were procedural errors in the previous handling of these guidelines, which are now to be corrected.
The seventh motion deals with the financial plan for the semester closing party of the AK CampusBeach.
We cordially invite all students to attend the StuPa meeting and participate in the discussions. Of course, you are also welcome to ask the board any questions you may have.