200€ one time payment for students
You’ve probably heard about the one-time payment for students some time ago and wondered when you’ll receive your €200 and what you have to do to get your money. There is news about that! First of all: We are not responsible for the implementation and we are not involved in it. This is just information for you.
You will probably be able to apply for the one-time payment via einmalzahlung200.de from 15 March. You will receive a personal access code from the University. You can then log in to the application platform with this code. You will then (presumably) have to prove your identity with your BundID. Once you have done this, you can fill out the application. Please also have your bank account details ready, to which the one-time payment is to be made. Your application will then be checked and if all requirements are met, the money will be paid out. In some federal states, it will probably not be necessary to use the BundID and the personal access code will suffice as identification. We do not yet know whether this will be the case in Baden-Württemberg.
15 March is still a little way off, but you can prepare yourself until then: If you don’t have a BundID yet, you can already create one at id.bund.de. You will need an identity card with online function or an Elster certificate.