102nd session of the student parliament
On Wednesday, March 15, 2023, starting at 2:30 p.m., the 102nd session of the Student Parliament will take place. The meeting will take place in room UN 34.150, Universitätsstraße 34. In addition to various reports and questioning of the Executive Board, there are also eight motions.
The first three motions deal with expense reimbursements for the three main orgas of Campus Beach.
The fourth motion deals with a support of the citizens’ petition of the mobility initiative 365 Stuttgart. The citizens’ petition wants the implementation of discounted public transport fares for all students.
The fifth motion deals with the convening of a meeting of the student parliament in the first week of April.
The sixth motion is a motion to amend the Rules of Procedure. The GO should be changed so that if a person who gets a call to order during the StuPa, he/she is allowed to justify him/herself in any case.
The seventh motion is aimed at financial support for the “Diversity Certificate”. For this purpose, Hiwi funds are to be financed by stuvus, thereby keeping the project alive.
The eighth application deals with the support of an open letter to the “Room of Silence”.
As always, you can read more details about the motions on our student parliament wiki page.
We cordially invite all students to attend the StuPa meeting and participate in the discussions. Of course, you are also welcome to ask questions to the board.