Reminder for the Teaching Award

Did you attend a great course, were you excellently prepared for the exam, did you learn something practical and exciting? Then you have until this Sunday, 14 July (deadline has been extended by 2 days) to nominate your lecturer for the University of Stuttgart Teaching Award. This involves prize money of €10,000, which must be used for the further improvement of teaching.

All members of the university can submit nominations, but a student member must be involved. Please submit a letter of justification, the form and a statement from your department by e-mail to us ( If there are still a few gaps in the form, e.g. in the CV, that’s no problem! You can also submit the statement from your specialist group at a later date. You can find the form, the call for applications, the criteria and all details about the selection process at

Now it’s up to you. Do you know a lecturer who you think deserves the award? We look forward to your suggestions!