Department IT

Have you always wanted to gain practical experience on a large IT infrastructure? Then the IT support department is the right place for you. We operate the infrastructure for successful collaboration at stuvus. To this end, we provide e-mail, matrix home servers, video conferencing tools, a Nextcloud and much more with servers at three locations. We work with virtualization technologies, operate Kubernetes clusters and offer networking. With us, you can gain practical experience in dealing with IT infrastructure, no previous knowledge is necessary. Just bring motivation, the rest will come with the implementation of our projects.
Are you interested and would you like to gain experience in the areas of system administration, networking, monitoring, identity management or Kubernetes?
Then just come along to one of our meetings! The meetings take place on Wednesdays at 19:30 in the light blue Nilpferd on the Vaihingen campus. If you are interested, please contact the speakers at, we will be happy to answer your questions!