101. StuPa-Meeting
On Wednesday, 08.02., the 101st session of the Student Parliament will take place starting at 2:30 pm. The meeting will take place in room 9.06 in Keplerstraße 11. In addition to various reports and questioning of the board, there are also three motions.
The first motion once again deals with the kitchen of the hellblaues Nilpferd, as this motion was postponed in the last meeting. The kitchen of the stuvus premises on the Vaihingen campus should be renewed.
The second motion deals with the financial plan for the summer semester opening party “Springbreak” on
Campus Stadtmitte.
The third motion is from the student group civil engineering of the student body of the University of Stuttgart, which wants to change its statutes. For this they need the approval of the StuPa.
We cordially invite all students to attend the StuPa meeting and participate in the discussions. Likewise, you are of course free to ask questions to the board.