Information for student groups


Subject group budgets

Each student group receives a share of the stuvus annual budget according to a certain key. The key consists of a base contribution (the same for all student groups) and a head contribution (money per student you represent).

If you have used up your section budget, individual expenses can be covered by the section project funds, but this requires additional approval from the board for each expense.

Additional allocations

In case of additional needs, a student group can apply for an additional allocation to the stuvus finance officer until December of the previous year. For this purpose, it is mandatory to submit a financial plan for the future year with justification for the respective expenses.


Before expenses can be made from the departmental budget, an application must be submitted. This is done via the digital application system at These applications must then be confirmed by the student group management and the stuvus office.

What can be applied for?

You can apply for the following expenses from your departmental budget:

  • General expenses (e.g. room equipment, IT, T-shirts,…)
  • Travel
  • Internal conference weekends
  • (National) student council conferences

You can apply for the following expenses, which will not be deducted from your section budget:

  • Office consumables (pens etc., no printer toner!)
  • First semester events (weekends, rallies, breakfasts, barbecues, etc.)

Important: First take a look at the relevant guidelines to see which funds you can apply for and for what. You can find them in the download area of the stuvus homepage:

IT services for student groups

stuvus offers some IT services that can be used by all student groups. Among these are:

  • stuvus user accounts (required for the other services).
  • Nextcloud cloud storage
  • Wiki areas (ideal for protocols and documentation)
  • Websites incl. domain
  • Network, WLAN
  • PCs with Windows 10 & Office
  • Central printers for use in ZFB, HdS and Nili
  • Email addresses for each user account
  • Mailing lists (for contact addresses, internal newsletters, etc.)

More information on this and other offers can be found in our IT wiki:

Room reservations

You can reserve stuvus rooms (Stadtmitte: ZFB, Vaihingen: Nili, HdS-Konferenzraum) directly at stuvus.

University rooms can be requested by the Fachgruppensprecher*in at the Hörsaalbelegung.


Many student groups and stuvus lend things to each other so that you don’t have to buy everything several times. You can find an overview here:

Feel free to add to this list!


Student groups can register their own barbecue events, but you have to appoint a barbecue representative. You can find more information here:


How 2 Fachgruppe (student group)

Here you can download the presentation of the last how 2 student group – event in the winter term 2021: How-to Fachgruppe_WiSe2021

Any questions?

If you still have questions, we are also available by phone, email or on site:

Haus der Studierenden
Pfaffenwaldring 5C
70569 Stuttgart

Administration: Monika Rupp, Katrin Fauss

Phone 0711/685 – 83055
Fax 0711/685 – 51051
Office hours Tue, Wed, Fr: 9:30-13:00 Uhr, Tue-Wed: 14:00-16:00 Uhr
Thursdays in Stadtmitte: Central Student Council Office (Hippo), Keplerstraße 17