General Information

Questions about studying

How do I find my way around the university?

The university has two campus areas: One in the city centre and one in Stuttgart Vaihingen. You can get lost and take a long time to get from A to B. Of course, a map of our campus is particularly helpful. An interactive map of the University of Stuttgart can help to get to know the Campus during the first weeks.

In the two maps below, you can find an overview of the two campuses in the city center and in Vaihingen

How do I find a flat?

IMPORTANT: The housing market in Stuttgart is not the best and it can be difficult, especially for foreigners who cannot come to every viewing appointment! So it’s best to start looking now! If you would like to get a place in a Studierendenwerk or VSSW hall of residence, it’s best to apply 6 months in advance. Alternatively, you can find many shared flats on the open market, for example at WG-Gesucht.

How do I create my timetable?

Under the following link you will find a detailed explanation of how the timetable creation works. During the introductory week, there is also a short introduction to this during the Ilias/C@mpus introduction. If you have specific questions about your timetable, please contact your subject group.

How do I use ILIAS, C@mpus, eduroam and Co.?

We will explain these to you during the freshers’ week in the course: Ilias/C@mpus/eduroam introduction:

Otherwise, you can find helpful instructions from the university here:

Who can I contact with questions specific to my degree programme?

If you have any subject-specific questions, it is best to contact your student group. If you don’t know which student group is in charge of you, you can find an answer under the question “How do I find out which student group is in charge of me?

How do I find out which student group is in charge of me?

If you select your degree programme on the freshers’ page (, you will land on a page for the freshers’ introduction specific to your student group. Here you will find the appropriate calendar, which also contains the events of your student group, as well as the contact details.

Alternatively, you can simply enter your degree programme in the search field on our student group page ( and find the student group you belong to.

I have problems with my enrolment, who can help me?

Please contact the “Application, Admission, Enrolment” department at the university. Information on how to reach them, contact details and opening hours can be found here:

Unfortunately, as student representatives, we cannot help you with detailed questions.

What is the Studi-Ticket?

You can find all the necessary information regarding the student ticket for getting around in Stuttgart here:

Questions about the First Semester Orientation week (freshers week (ESE))

Will there be events for english speaking students as well?

Some of our events will be in English. Unfortunately, we can only offer most of them in German. For some of them, it will also be possible to take part without a good knowledge of German, for example, because it is a sports event.

For the individual events organised by us as stuvus, it is always stated in the description whether and how the event takes place in English or is suitable for internationals. You can also recognise the English-speaking events by the label “English speaking event”.

If you are unsure whether the event is suitable for you, please contact us:

Is there an official welcome/introduction event for all students?


On Tuesday, 10.10. at 10:00 a.m., the Avete Academici, the University’s official freshers welcome, will take place in the Liederhalle.

The Avete Academici is the official welcome and information event of the University of Stuttgart for the new freshmen. On the one hand, you will be welcomed by Uni.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Ressel, the Rector of the University, by Dr. Frank Nopper, Lord Mayor of Stuttgart and by us as student representatives. On the other hand, you will also find out who the important contact persons are for various (problem) situations during your studies. In this way, the important central institutions will be introduced and a small insight into the course of the coming semester and beyond will be given.
Click here for the event details.

Is the Avete compulsory?

No, the Avete is a voluntary event (as is our entire programme). You will be given a brief overview of the important points in student life at this event, and before and after it you will have the opportunity to get to know various institutions and groups at the University of Stuttgart at the Market of Opportunities, so we highly recommend attending! It will definitely be worth it 🙂

Are my parents allowed to come to the Avete?

The Avete is initially only aimed at you as a student and is not an event where you have to drag your parents along. The whole event is quite relaxed and is intended to give you the opportunity to gather first impressions and important information for your study life. However, if you want to take your parents with you, you are not forbidden to do so.

Do I have to participate in all events of the freshers' introduction?

No, the programme of the Freshers’ Induction Week is intended to offer you a wide choice. It will also not be possible to take part in all events. Just pick the events you feel like attending!

However, we recommend that you attend the events organised by your student group and the official welcome and information event, the Avete Academici.

Two of my events take place in parallel, which one should I attend?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid overlapping events during the first semester introduction week. If this is the case for you, we recommend that you always attend the events of your student group first, as you can make contact with your future fellow students here. In addition, the student groups know better what is important for the individual degree programmes. You can recognise the departmental group events in our calendar by the label “Fachgruppenveranstaltung” (departmental group event).

I am studying to become a teacher. Which courses are relevant for me?

Basically, the courses of your individual study combination are relevant for you. You can either select the degree programmes individually or put them together here. There are also some teacher-specific courses. You can find all the information here:

Do I have to register for the events?

For most events you don’t need to register, just come along!

For some events, registration is (unfortunately) necessary, as the events are only designed for a certain number of participants. You can recognise these events by the label “Registration required”.

Do I have to be of age to join the UNO?

Yes, you must be at least 18 years old to take part in the UNO freshers’ party!

Does participation in the freshers week cost me anything?

Almost all events are free of charge!

Only at the UNO freshers’ party and the Flunkyball tournament, you have to pay admission or a participation fee. Of course, you have to pay for your own drinks at the pub crawl. At some events you can also buy food or drinks. Details can be found in the event descriptions.

Other first-year students got a letter and I didn't, did I do something wrong?

Together with the university, we have sent you a welcome letter.

If you have not received a letter, this can be due to several reasons:

1) The letter just hasn’t reached you yet, because it’s still on its way somewhere in the post. Just wait a few more days and don’t worry! The letters were sent on 20.09. and 29.09. in Stuttgart.

2) You were not yet registered at the time of our mailing campaigns. In that case, we unfortunately didn’t have your address yet and therefore couldn’t send you a letter.

3.) The letter was sent to an old or wrong address.
The letter was sent to the address you gave when you applied. If you have moved in the meantime or if your address was wrong, you probably did not receive the letter. The letter will not be forwarded to you. It’s best to check again in C@mpus under “My home and study address” to see if your address is correct. You also have the option of entering not only your home address, but also the address of your flat in Stuttgart.

If you haven’t received a letter, that’s not so bad: you can still pick up the included study calendar at the university in the next few weeks and you can also find the important information about the freshers’ introduction here 😉

Will pictures be taken at the events?

Yes! At some of our events we take pictures that we want to use for our future public outreach activities. By participating in our events, you agree to the taking of pictures.

Important contact addresses and websites

Are you looking for help or have you been discriminated or harassed?

At we have listed all the important contact points, help options and hotlines for you. You can also contact us in confidence via our mailbox:

Central Student Advisory Service

In addition to the student advisory service for your subject, the central student advisory service is an important contact point for questions regarding your studies, even in problem situations. You can find more information and opening hours here


Counselling services of the Studierendenwerk

The offers of the Studierendenwerk can be found on their page

Among other things, there is BAföG advice, tips on financing your studies, social advice, legal advice and also psychotherapeutic counselling, most of it free of charge.

International Center (IZ)

The Department of International Affairs of the University of Stuttgart is responsible for the exchange with foreign countries. Here you can have a look around if you are interested which universities the Universität of Stuttgart is cooperating with, if you want to get in contact with students from abroad through the buddy program or intercultural mentoring, or if you want to find out about a stay abroad in your studies.

You can find more information under the following link


Key Qualifications - Schlüsselqualifikationen (ZLW)

The idea behind the interdisciplinary key qualifications is that you can use your subject knowledge much better if it is embedded in a holistic educational process, i.e.: if you think outside the box.

All key qualifications offered in a semester can be found via the study plan on C@mpus.

The Centre for Teaching and Continuing Education, which also offers key qualifications itself, is responsible for supervising and registering most interdisciplinary key qualifications. Frequently asked questions on this topic can be found here.

Language Centre

The Language Centre of the Universität of Stuttgart offers a wide range of courses in specialist and foreign languages and also offers many other interesting things. You can find the range of courses on offer, advice, more information and opening hours here


In addition to the two central libraries on the Vaihingen and Stadtmitte campuses, there are also the institute libraries. You can borrow books and other media from all of them.

You can find all the information here:

Living & Accomodation

IMPORTANT: The housing market in Stuttgart is not the best, and it can be difficult, especially for foreigners who cannot come to every viewing appointment! So it’s best to start looking now! If you would like to get a place in a Studierendenwerk or VSSW hall of residence, it’s best to apply 6 months in advance. Alternatively, you can find many shared flats on the open market, for example at WG-Gesucht.

Lost and found office

At university a lot of things are lost and fortunately also found again. If you think you have lost something, you can check the infrastructural building management under this link for an up-to-date list of the items found and then contact the lost property office.

The lost property office is located in Vaihingen on the ground floor of Pfaffenwaldring 55 at the central service, and in the city centre at the house service in Keplerstraße 17.


The MINT-Kolleg of the University of Stuttgart offers numerous courses to support students before and during their studies as well as a number of counselling services. More information, course offerings and opening hours can be found on the following page

Student Service and Examination Office

You will need the Student Service above all if you are enrolling in another degree programme or if you need to copy your student card. You can find the location and opening hours here.

Many concerns can also be resolved quickly and easily via the contact form.

The Examination Office is responsible for registering and deregistering from examinations. You can find it on the following page. However, you can also carry out many actions related to exams yourself in the C@mpus system. E-mail:

User consultation of the TIK

The TIK is responsible for the technical services like the WiFi eduroam, the study management system and course catalogue C@mpus, the learning platform ILIAS, the conference tool Webex and your student mail accounts.

The TIK will help you either electronically or in one of its support centres in Vaihingen and the city centre. Further information and contact details can be found on the following page
