Teaching Award 2024 – The process is currently underway!
We have received 12 nominations for the Teaching Award 2024, all of which have already been discussed with the student applicants. The Academic Student Council (ASR) and the Senate Committee for Teaching and Continuing Education are now discussing who should be proposed to the Senate as the award winner. The final decision is expected to be made at the Senate meeting in November.
Teaching Award of the University of Stuttgart
The University of Stuttgart awards the Teaching Prize for outstanding performance and great commitment in teaching. With this award, the University recognises special commitment in the area of study and teaching and documents the fundamental importance of teaching at the University of Stuttgart. Applications can be submitted by any member (or several members) of the university, whereby at least one student applicant must be involved. The support and opinion of at least one student council or departmental group is required. Self-applications are excluded.
Award decision
As a guideline for the award decision, criteria are defined by the student representatives in consultation with the Prorector for Academic Affairs (see Award Criteria). The criteria are evaluated annually and further developed for the next call for applications. The members of the ASR review the applications and conduct selection interviews with the applicants. On this basis and in connection with the established criteria, a non-binding prioritisation of the applications is established. The applications are submitted to the Senate Teaching Committee together with the proposal of the ASR members. The committee discusses the proposals and submits a proposal to the Senate. The Senate decides whether to accept or reject the proposal of the Senate Teaching Committee. The discussions of the students as well as the deliberations in the Senate Committee on Academic Affairs as well as in the Senate take place non-publicly or confidentially and, if necessary, with the exclusion of members who have themselves been proposed.
The award is usually presented at the Day of Teaching and Learning. The award is presented by the Vice Rector for Teaching and Continuing Education and a student representative, with a student representative (usually one of the student applicants) giving usually the laudatory speech.
Prize winner 2023: Dr. Stephanie Seidl
Nominees 2023:
- Dr. Anja Thaller
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Groß
- Prof. Bernhard Weigand
- Prof. Dr.-Ing habil. Jörn Birkmann
- Dr. Stephanie Seidl
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marco Oesting
- Dr. Marc Zeccola
- Ulrich Schneider
- Prof. Dr. C. David Remy
Special prizes: In years when the field of nominees is particularly strong, the ASR may decide to award special prizes.
Special prizes 2023: A special prize from stuvus in the amount of 5000 € will be awarded to Mr. Ulrich Schneider for his extraordinary commitment to lecture support.
Would you like to nominate a professor for the Teaching Award 2024? The documents you need (announcement, form and award criteria) will be available here for the next round in 2024.
Contact us: If you have any questions, please send them to lehrepreis@stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de.
Previous award winners
- 2023: Dr. Stephanie Seidl
- 2022: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Groß
- 2021: Prof. Em. Richard Powers
- 2020: PD Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Hartenbach
- 2019: PD Dr. Holger Cartarius und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ewald Krämer
- 2018: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc-André Keip
- 2017: Prof. Dr. Michael Eisermann
- 2016: Apl. Prof. Dr. Markus Stroppel
- 2015: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Peter Göhner
Special prices from stuvus
- Special prize for extraordinary commitment to lecture support in 2023
- Ulrich Schneider
- Special award for outstanding commitment to teacher education 2022
- Prof. Heike Maier
- Special award for excellent teaching 2020
- Dr.-Ing. Christian Senger
- M.PP. Johannes Th. Nöldeke
- Special award for digital teaching 2020 (award for courses)
- „Machine Learning“ (module responsible: Dr. Steffen Staab)
- „Ethik bei David Hume“ (module responsible: Prof. Dr. Andreas Luckner)
- „Sprachvariation und Spracherwerb im gesellschaftlichen Kontext“ (module responsible: Dr. Fabian Bross)
- „Semantik“ (module responsible: Dr. Fabian Bross)
- „Topologie“ (module responsible: Prof. Dr. Michael Eisermann)
- Special awards for exceptional commitment to teaching 2019
- M.Sc. Carlos Camino
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Friedrich
- Prof. Dr. Dominik Göddeke
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Holtz
- Prof. Dr. Peter Pott