Stress? Problems? Help? Then the Department for Equality, Diversity and Social Affairs is the right place for you! No matter what concerns you have, we try to help you “from student to student”. Problems of any kind will always find an open ear and will be treated confidentially.
Our main topics are as follows:
We see it as our goal to reduce gender-specific differences at the University of Stuttgart and we want to prevent sexism and sexualised violence. Projects that fall under this are as follows:
- Basic decision on gender-sensitive language: with this basic decision, all stuvus institutions are now obliged to use gender-sensitive language in public appearances. It is normal that uncertainties arise at the beginning. If you have any questions about wording or similar, please do not hesitate to contact us, we can also help you understand the document, which is only available in German.
- Guidelines for awareness teams: the exact structure is currently being developed. If you are organising a party as a section, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can explain the guidelines to you and implement them together.
- On the implemented Website you can find Information on sexual harassment and violence (SDG)
- Student groups should be aware about their responsibility within this topic. What’s important to know can be found in this Handout on prevention of sexual harassment and violence in student groups.
These include the various diversity dimensions: Gender, Life Style, Age, Health, Social Origin, Nationality & Culture and Professional Orientation. We condemn any discrimination based on one of these dimensions and want to take preventive action against it. Projects that we have realised to date:
- Encounter is a key to breaking down prejudices. That’s why we organise regular events that are especially aimed at international students.
- Let’s talk about racism@UniStuttgart campaign
- Workshop series “Decolonise us – getting started with anti-discrimination and anti-racism work”.
This video gives an impression of what the participants learned:
Study despite disabilities! This is the focus of the group for students with chronic illnesses, disabilities and mental illnesses. The aim is to get to know each other, to exchange ideas and to support each other. We also believe that it is important to represent the interests of students with illnesses and disabilities at university in order to give a voice to those for whom, for example, online study is an opportunity for inclusion. If you want to be a part of this, contact .
We are also happy to support you with any other concerns and questions about studying and life on campus. So feel free to come to us with your concerns. In the past, we have helped new students find a place to sleep during their first few days on campus with projects such as “Sofa für Erstis”. Another important topic for us is the support of “first-generation students”. For example, we are in contact with to support you in your contact with the university.
You can find more information in the Help and Advice section. There we have collected a list of contact persons. All contact persons treat your complaints confidentially, and nothing will be done that you do not want or is not in your interest. A complaint is important in any case, even if you wish to remain anonymous. If there is an accumulation of complaints, action can still be taken.
Our spokespeople:
This is how you can contact us:
Nothing here for the moment.
KickOff Meeting for interested parties
If you are interested in our work and would like to get involved, just get in touch! We are always happy to welcome new people!

Lúcia Szedresi
Spokesperson for Gender Equality, Diversity and Social Affairs