
The Student Parliament sets up committees for the preliminary discussion of topics and the preparation of resolutions.

Budget Committee

The Budget Committee discusses the budget of the student body and all major financial decisions. In addition, it exercises control over the implementation of the budget. In particular, expenses over €5,000 and all financial decisions made by the student parliament are discussed in the committee.


Statutes and Rules Committee

The “SGO” discusses all proposals for amendments to the Statutes and new versions of the Statutes. It coordinates the legal examination by the University’s legal department and can issue statements on questions of interpretation.


Committee for the evaluation of RegioRad

After the decision to fund RegioRad-stations on both university campus, a committee was established to evaluate the usage of those stations and to draft a recommendation for the parliament about the further funding.


Expense Allowance Committee

stuvus pays expense allowances for individual offices and in special cases upon request. The Committee for Expense Allowances makes recommendations on the amount of allowances, monitors the fulfilment of the tasks of the recipients and can also propose the reduction of expense allowances. The basis for this is the Statutes for Expense Allowances (to be found at


Anti-Discrimination Committee

The committee supports the student parliament in matters of anti-discrimination. The committee is primarily tasked with examining and evaluating applications to the student parliament for discriminatory elements. Its remit extends in particular to discrimination on the grounds of ethnic origin, racism, gender, religion, ideology, disability, age, social origin and sexual identity. Discrimination is defined as unequal treatment of a person on the basis of one or more of these characteristics without an objective reason. The Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Social Affairs Officers and their deputies take part in the committee meetings in an advisory capacity.
